Some really interesting stats as to why an engaged employee is a better employee
Trying traditional methods such as e-mail to make sure you’re employees are engaged is just no longer an effective medium. There are just too many in their in-boxes for employees to take note of internal correspondence. Check out our Employee Engagement Solution under Products to see how we can help you be more effective and address some of the issues addressed below.
- In companies with 60% to 70% engaged employees, average shareholder return is 15.1% higher than in companies where employees are only 50% to 60% engaged
- Highly engaged employees can outperform their disengaged counterparts by 20% – 28%. If you could increase employee engagement levels through more effective internal communication by just 50%. What would that be worth to you?
- Employees with lower engagement levels are 4 times more likely to leave their jobs than those who are highly engaged. It costs between 125% and 400% of annual salary to replace a person.
- 69% of employees say they would work harder if they were better recognised.
- 4 out of 10 employees are not engaged, which means that your company is only sitting with 60% committed workforce. How happy would you be if your doctor qualified with 60%?
- Less than 10% of employees understand your strategy. Employees who don’t understand your strategy are unguided missiles.
- 70% of engaged employees indicate they have a good understanding of how to meet customer needs.
- Disengaged employees take more than twice as much sick leave than engaged employees
- 25% of employees in customer service are disengaged. 1 in 4 customers are dealing with someone who couldn’t give a #$%!
Stats compliments of Actuate ( who have been studying the effects of employee disengagement on organisations for the last 10 years